Changing uncertainty at the start of the new year in the US

06 Jan

Changing uncertainty at the start of the new year in the US

Reduced trade tensions. Rising uncertainty relating to the elections. Resurgence of geopolitical risks. +2% GDP growth in 2020. Extreme equity valuations.

Key points

  • Real GDP growth of approximately +2.2% in 2019 and +2% in 2020
  • Risk of polarisation between the Democrats’ and Republicans’ political programmes
  • Election year could prove turbulent for investors
  • Growth in 2020 driven by favourable situation in interest-rate markets
  • Trade conflict likely to abate
  • US yield curve returns to “normal”
  • Further liquidity injections in 2020
  • Leading indicators more optimistic
  • Full employment driving consumption
  • Equity markets threatened by high valuations and growing geopolitical risks