A bitter New Year’s Eve for the United Kingdom

02 Dec

A bitter New Year’s Eve for the United Kingdom

Probable contraction of -2.5% in Q4. Increasing economic risks at the beginning of 2021. Limited room for manoeuvre for the BoE. Weak pound sterling. FTSE 100 trading at 17% discount.

Key points

  • A few more days to avoid a disastrous no-deal Brexit for the British
  • Temporary rebound in GDP in Q3
  • Probable contraction of -2.5% of the economy in Q4
  • Confidence once again at an all-time low
  • Leading indicators somewhat more circumspect
  • BoE to increase its asset purchase programme rather than introduce negative rates
  • Slight rise in long-term rates
  • Likely return of pressure on the pound sterling
  • Short-lived catch-up of British equities?