Category: Investment flash

16 Nov

Improvement of the stock market climate for small-cap stocks  

The Nasdaq technology stock index has significantly outperformed the Russell 2000 small-cap index. The outperformance of +43% in 2023 is massive and is the largest since the internet bubble of 1999. At that time, the performance gap was twice as wide, leading some to believe that the Nasdaq's relative performance still has (...) Interest rate [...]
09 Nov

Fall in SNB and M3 foreign exchange reserves  

The SNB is perhaps no longer as concerned about the level of inflation now that it appears to have been contained at +0.1%/month for the past five months. This development should clearly allow the SNB to consider that its action has been effective, since core inflation is now (...) SNB will ease its policy well [...]
26 Oct

1,000 Billion Yuan for the Chinese economy

The Chinese government has adopted a strategy resolutely geared towards supporting economic growth, announcing the issue of 1,000 billion yuan of sovereign debt in recent days. This injection of liquidity complements other measures, and will be (...) More is needed to stimulate growth Discover our Investment Flash down below: Read more To make sure you [...]
18 Oct

European securitized real estate trades at 50% of net assets

Securitized real estate in Europe is still perhaps wrongly suffering from the effects of inflation, the ECB's restrictive monetary policy and the interest-rate pressures of the past two years. The EPRA Nareit Eurozone index is struggling to stabilize after falling 28% between February and March. Since then, it has been fluctuating within a band of [...]
11 Oct

Rates and the dollar have finished penalizing gold prices

After rising by almost +13% in the first four months of the year, gold prices then slowly eroded as the US Federal Reserve tightened monetary conditions and bond yields rose, not only in dollars but in other major currencies too. The fall of the last few days of September, directly correlated with (...) Upward trend [...]
04 Oct

Gas prices to rise 30% by the end of December

The recent rise in crude oil prices has brought us close to our short-term target of $90-95 per barrel of WTI. At this price level, we believe we can assess the potential for crude oil substitution, and in particular the evolution of natural gas demand. The fall in US natural gas prices (...) Gas market [...]
27 Sep

The Fed’s pause will be long-lasting

The Fed decided not to touch its key rates on 09/20, and in our view this marks the start of a long phase of stability which will soon be seen as the end of one of the most rapid and severe monetary tightening cycles in recent history. Between what the Fed Chairman can't say, what [...]
20 Sep

Ongoing revaluation of european securitized real estate

Securitized real estate in Europe is still suffering from the effects of inflation, the ECB's restrictive monetary policy and interest rate pressures over the past two years. Listed real estate stocks are still trading close to their two-year lows, down almost -45% from the peak of the (...) Yet falling inflation suggests lower yields Discover [...]
13 Sep

Bullish recovery likely for Swiss equities

The Swiss equity market remained highly indecisive over the summer, penalized in particular by the strength of the Swiss franc against the dollar and the euro in July, and a still restrictive monetary policy. The macroeconomic data and statistics published, although very favorable on the inflation front (1.6%/year) and below the (...) Outlook supported by [...]
06 Sep

The oil market is in deficit

Crude oil prices have risen by almost 30% since their March 2023 low and are now trading at their highest level of the year, at $85.5 for WTI and $88.5 for Brent. They have finally reacted positively (...) Rising crude oil prices and oil stocks set to continue Discover our Investment Flash down below: Read [...]