Category: Investment flash

02 Nov

USD yields offer a 3 to 5% premium

The upward acceleration in US long rates provides an interesting opportunity in the likely context of an emerging recession and diminishing inflationary risks. Indeed, 10-year US Treasury yields offer a 4% return and (...) Free lunch for a Swiss investor? Discover our Investment Flash down below Read more To make sure you don't miss any [...]
25 Oct

The FED will change its position in december

The October PMIs plunge in the US in the wake of accelerating interest rates and rising systemic risks. Too high interest rates and an overly strong dollar are affecting global liquidity and increasing the risk of recessions and defaults. These could be (...) Will the markets wait to go into "risk-on" mode? Discover our Investment [...]
12 Oct

Gas prices fall by -54% in Europe

European gas prices have fallen by -54% since their peak in August and are now at their lowest level since July. LNG imports into Europe have hit their highest level since 2016 and milder temperatures expected in the coming weeks are supporting the trend. It is also reinforced by (...) Opportunity to reposition on alternative [...]
05 Oct

Declining yields drive precious metals

The acceleration in the rise of dollar yields and, in particular, the brief rise in long rates above the 4% ten-year threshold at the end of September, has already partly deflated at the beginning of this week. In just a few days, the decline in yields has already been very sensitive. Five-year Treasury yields recorded [...]
21 Sep

Opportunities for securitized real estate

Securitized real estate has reacted strongly to the rise in interest rates and mortgage costs observed in recent months in most countries. The -25% drop in the global EPRA Nareit Developped index (USD) has thus erased the valuation excesses of the year 2021 and is now -7% below its average value over the last ten [...]
14 Sep

The evolution of inflation will not influence the fed  

The publication of the inflation figures for August did not confirm the hopes of investors who were hoping for a further decline in prices. The fall in commodity prices was insufficient to compensate for the persistent pressure on rents and food prices. The Federal Reserve should therefore logically maintain its tightening monetary policy as expected [...]
16 Aug


The unexpected 0.10% cut in Chinese one-year rates announced by the PBoC on Monday, seven months after its previous cut, underscores the Chinese authorities' concern about the economy. By international comparison, inflation in China appears to be contained with the consumer price index rising in July to +2.7% (...) Repositioning opportunities in Chinese equities? Discover [...]
09 Aug

The -30% fall in crude oil prices already seems excessive

The recession scenario has spread quite widely in the financial markets for several months, pushing commodity prices down significantly. Oil prices have thus fallen by almost -30% since their double top in March and June above $120/b. The US WTI price ($87.8/bbl) is now close to its October 2021 level again and is trading almost [...]
03 Aug

Hedge funds missed the july rally

July proved to be an excellent month for most financial assets, but clearly not for hedge funds (+0.5%), which largely underperformed during this period of recovery in international equities (+7.9%), real estate (+6.9%), private equity (+17.9%) and bonds (+2.1%). Overall, hedge funds do not seem to have anticipated the stock market recovery short covering the [...]
27 Jul

Is inflation killing the 60/40 portfolio ?

On August 10, US inflation for July will be published and will certainly show a much-awaited inflection point after the +9.1% figure for the previous month, in a context of a notable drop in commodity prices since June 8 (-14.6% S&PGSI Commodity Index). While a decline in inflationary pressures is likely, it will not challenge [...]