Weekly analysis

15 Dec

A new inflation regime is establishing

The inflation regime that initially took hold during the first six months of the year had largely worried investors to the point of causing the largest correlated declines in the financial markets of any asset class. A six-month average inflation regime of (...) When five points are enough to constitute a trend Discover our Investment [...]
13 Dec

Moderate positive outlook for the Nikkei

Economic downturn. Leading indicators still mixed. Weak consumer confidence. Inflation at its highest. Yen stabilises. Policy monetary policy still expansionary. Moderate positive outlook for the Nikkei. Key points Japanese economy shrinks by 0.8% in Q3 Outlook for Q4 still gloomy Leading indicators still moderately optimistic Consumer confidence is at an all-time low Trade deficit remains [...]
07 Dec

New tensions on energy prices

A cold wave in Europe is beginning to make itself felt and is already impacting the gas reserves built up. For example, the number of storage vessels off the European coast has already fallen by 30% in one month. The acceleration of withdrawals from natural gas stocks could (...) Bullish outlook for crude, gas and [...]
01 Dec

Favourable outlook for Swiss financial assets

The Swiss economy is slowing down. Risk of recession. Signs of stabilisation of inflation. Monetary policy to be tightened soon. Yield spreads favourable to the Euro. Yields stabilising. Still positive outlook for equities. Key points Swiss economy slows down in Q3 Domestic demand provides greater support to GDP Leading indicators still falling Inflation stabilisation becomes [...]
01 Dec

Inflation regime normalizes in Switzerland

Swiss GDP figures for the third quarter show a slowdown in the growth of the Swiss economy. The +0.2% increase in GDP is not surprising in the (...) Expected stabilisation of yield curves Discover our Investment Flash down below: Read more To make sure you don't miss any of our publications and have access to [...]
23 Nov

Bitcoin will not replace gold

The latest episode of the FTX bankruptcy may not have a direct impact on Bitcoin, if one believes the information that there was no Bitcoin on FTX's balance sheet, implying no forced liquidation. Nevertheless, it will undoubtedly raise awareness (...) New disappointments for crypto-currencies Discover our Investment Flash down below: Read more To make sure [...]
16 Nov

Better prospects for US and emerging market stocks

The U.S. corporate earnings season ended with the lowest ratio of companies, beating estimates recorded since Q1 2020, despite lowered expectations. Companies generally announced margin cuts (...) Margins and revenues will decline more in Europe Discover our Investment Flash down below: Read more To make sure you don't miss any of our publications and have [...]
09 Nov

Revaluation of gold and gold mines

Indeed, during the phase of rapid rise in the US ten-year Treasury rates from 1.5% to 4.2% this year, and the concomitant rise in the dollar index of almost +20%, gold prices have in fact logically recorded a decline. However, (...) Time to build up sufficient exposure to gold mines Discover our Investment Flash down [...]
02 Nov

USD yields offer a 3 to 5% premium

The upward acceleration in US long rates provides an interesting opportunity in the likely context of an emerging recession and diminishing inflationary risks. Indeed, 10-year US Treasury yields offer a 4% return and (...) Free lunch for a Swiss investor? Discover our Investment Flash down below Read more To make sure you don't miss any [...]
25 Oct

The FED will change its position in december

The October PMIs plunge in the US in the wake of accelerating interest rates and rising systemic risks. Too high interest rates and an overly strong dollar are affecting global liquidity and increasing the risk of recessions and defaults. These could be (...) Will the markets wait to go into "risk-on" mode? Discover our Investment [...]