Weekly analysis

02 Nov

USD yields offer a 3 to 5% premium

The upward acceleration in US long rates provides an interesting opportunity in the likely context of an emerging recession and diminishing inflationary risks. Indeed, 10-year US Treasury yields offer a 4% return and (...) Free lunch for a Swiss investor? Discover our Investment Flash down below Read more To make sure you don't miss any [...]
25 Oct

The FED will change its position in december

The October PMIs plunge in the US in the wake of accelerating interest rates and rising systemic risks. Too high interest rates and an overly strong dollar are affecting global liquidity and increasing the risk of recessions and defaults. These could be (...) Will the markets wait to go into "risk-on" mode? Discover our Investment [...]
18 Oct

The Federal Reserve can avoid a “hard landing”

Temporary GDP growth in Q3. Leading indicators point to a slowdown. Consumption is at risk. New inflation regime. The Fed must adjust its action. The dollar is losing momentum. A "risk on" mode is setting in. Key points Temporary exit from recession expected in Q3 "Hard landing" still possible in the US Leading indicators fall [...]
18 Oct

The Fed must change its policy to avoid systemic risk

The appreciation of the dollar and high yields disqualify other assets. Rising rates are proving to be a systemic threat. Default risks increase. Dollar liquidity declines. The Fed must change its policy. Key points Long live the US dollar! The appreciation of the dollar disqualifies other assets A side note on money creation and debt [...]
14 Oct

45% Risk premium for european equities

Europe still avoids recession. Confidence at its lowest. Inflation reaches +10%. The ECB follows a more moderate strategy. Yield curves still positive. Excessive fall in European real estate. Equity risk premium of 45%. Key points Can Europe repeat its relative performance in Q3 and avoid a decline in GDP? Still uncertain outlook for Q4 Leading [...]
12 Oct

Gas prices fall by -54% in Europe

European gas prices have fallen by -54% since their peak in August and are now at their lowest level since July. LNG imports into Europe have hit their highest level since 2016 and milder temperatures expected in the coming weeks are supporting the trend. It is also reinforced by (...) Opportunity to reposition on alternative [...]
10 Oct

A “mini-budget” that sows chaos in the United Kingdom

New government already discredited. Massive rate rise. Risk of bankruptcy of UK pension funds. Fall of the pound.180 degree turn in monetary policy. Stability of real estate prices. Limited shock to equities. Key points The new British government announces a "mini-budget" that causes chaos UK economy still in overdrive in Q3? Leading indicators still indecisive [...]
05 Oct

Weakening outlook for the Nikkei

Positive economic situation in Japan. Mixed leading indicators. Weak yen pushes inflation up. Monetary policy still expansionary. Interest-free bond yields. Weakening outlook for the Nikkei. Key points Very positive revision of Japanese GDP in Q2 (+3.5%) Less favourable outlook for the current quarter Leading indicators still moderately optimistic Surprising increase in retail sales in a [...]
05 Oct

Declining yields drive precious metals

The acceleration in the rise of dollar yields and, in particular, the brief rise in long rates above the 4% ten-year threshold at the end of September, has already partly deflated at the beginning of this week. In just a few days, the decline in yields has already been very sensitive. Five-year Treasury yields recorded [...]
29 Sep

Positive outlook for swiss financial assets

The Swiss economy is resisting the risks of recession. The SNB takes a harder line. Inflation likely to stabilise. Yield spreads favorable to the euro. Attractive yields on bonds. Likely easing of interest rates positive for equities. Key points The Swiss economy continues to show its resilience Private consumption and investment in capital goods support [...]